hello paige turners!
My name is Paige, and I like to think of myself as a sponge because I love to absorb as much as I can from my experiences, the challenges of life, and the people I meet.
I am 25 years old, but I feel like I have an old soul—almost as if I were born in the wrong era! I am passionate about learning, self-improvement, and savoring life’s little pleasures.
I enjoy fitness, drawing, and music; these are the things that truly inspire me. I have a soft spot for meaningful quotes, especially motivational mantras. One of my favorites is:
“Anni, amori e bicchieri di vino, nun se contano mai.”’ ‘“Years, lovers and glasses of wine; these things must not be counted.” ~ Anthony Capella
I enjoy creating and developing new skills through upcycling and DIY projects. I constantly push myself to try new things and learn as I go. Recently, I purchased my first home and have been working hard over the past year to make it my own.
Follow my journey, and let me inspire you with life hacks, lessons that school didn’t teach, and occasional reminders to pause and appreciate the little things.